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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mind Games And Memory Loss, Why They Work


Mind Games And Memory Loss, Why They Work.

Many people actively seek ways to improve their memory on an every day basis. Whether it's to help you learn something new or simply to help so that you don't become stressed during the day, there are a plethora of ways that you can improve your own memory. This article includes just a few of those tips.

A great tip for improving your memory is to be sure that you know the meaning of what it is that you are trying to remember. If you only have a vague grasp at what it is you are trying to commit to your long term memory then you have little to no chance of being able to recall it fully.

Know your learning style, this will help you to remember information. Some people remember things better by seeing the information first. Others, by hearing the information or by physically doing something to help them recall it. Knowing your learning style will help you decide if note-taking, listening to lectures or reading books and articles work's best for you.

When a person is sleep deprived, his brain struggles to be fully functioning. Simple things like problem-solving, creative thinking and remembering, suddenly become difficult. Getting a full night's rest each and every night will maintain your brain's ability to function at capacity. Enough sleep also increases your memory since the most important memory enhancing activities occur while you are in your deepest sleep.

Group similar ideas and terms together for it to commit to memory more efficiently. Research has shown that memory is stored together in clusters in the brain. Organizing your thoughts and materials in a pattern and giving them some structure will greatly improve your chances of remembering what you have learned.

A great tip for improving your memory is to associate something visual with the material you are trying to memorize. This is important because it is a well known way to recall information quickly and accurately. An example would be to color code flash cards into different categories.

To improve absorbing and remembering things, try using Mnemonics tricks. These are mind games that are often used by children in school when trying to learn things. For example, people use "I before E, except after C" to remember that in the English language, the letter "I" always goes before "E" in words, except after the letter "C".

Make your memorization easier by using mnemonic devices. The easiest one is to associate a visual image with the word or name you need to remember. Life like, vivid images linked to hard to memorize or understand concepts can help to speed up the learning process significantly. Think of images from your everyday life to make the process easier and faster.

If you are searching for ways to increase your memory, then work with others and collaborate on ideas with them. When you do this, your brain fires in a different way than it does when you work on something alone. Bounce ideas off others and see how differently you begin to think.

Visualization is a great tool to use when you are trying to memorize information. When you visualize, you see a picture in your head, even when you are not looking at it. Visualization can help you remember almost anything. For example, if you are studying the water cycle, you can create an image in your mind of a cloud that is growing. Next, watch the heavy rain and watch it hit the ground and run into rivers and lakes. Continue watching the cycle in your head.

If your memory is either, starting to decline or simply not being as strong as it used to be, consider following some of the suggestions mentioned in this article. You may be surprised at how much greater your memory can quickly become, once you start working on it on a daily basis.



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