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Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Secrets Behind A Very Good Memory


The Secrets Behind A Very Good Memory.

You want to make sure that you are getting the best advice possible when it comes to ways to help improve your memory. There are many different tips available for you already, but you want the best there is. Use the advice in this article to help you and your memory.

When you are trying to learn something new and you want to remember it, associate with something you already know. For instance, let's say you are learning a new phone number, remember it by thinking of a similar phone number. You have a better chance of keeping new information this way.

Pay careful attention to what you want to remember to ensure the information is retained in your long-term memory. Distractions, such as music and television, prevent you from paying the required amount of attention to the material. Failure to concentrate will result in the information being lost and not committed to memory.

A great learning or memorizing strategy is to associate, or "connect" each idea with something you are familiar with. For example, when you are trying to learn new words, write the meaning next to the word and then write a thing, person, movie, event or strong association with the word that will help you remember its meaning. For example, "My generous Aunt Betty gives great gifts." (generous means giving).

When trying to learn a lot of new information, it can really help to consciously relate it back to information that you already know. For instance, if Aunt Sadie moved to Tupelo where your friend Julie happens to live, then linking Aunt Sadie with Julie anchors the memory. Integrating new information with solid memories you already have helps it "stick" in the brain faster.

Saying what you're trying to remember outloud is a fast and easy way to boost your memory. Though it may feel silly at first, saying things outloud is a great tool for memorization. When you re-read something over and over again to try to memorize it, you may start skimming. Saying it outloud forces you to read and listen to the whole thing each time.

Try using mnemonic devices to aid in recall. A mnemonic is a way to remember information. One mnemonic is word association. Think of a word or phrase you are familiar with to remind yourself of the thing you wish to remember. Rhymes, songs, and humorous images make good mnemonics.

When you are trying to retain/improve your memory sometimes something simple as doing word games and other brain games is the answer. Keeping your mind sharp can actually be fun. And games are easy to find in books or free online. Some games have even been proven to raise your IQ!

Older people who are worried about losing memory can use electronic devices such as the Wii to help with memory. These types of interactive video games have designed games that are actually geared to help improve memory like Nintendo's Brain Age. Also the stimulation of working with the puzzles involved in video games is a great brain stimulator.

If you are a person who easily forgets things, make a mental checklist before leaving your home. Ask yourself what you usually bring with you and check to make sure that you have it. By doing this, you are reducing the risk of going somewhere without something you may really need.

To summarize, you want the best of the best when it comes to tips and tricks regarding your memory. There is plenty to know and plenty of theories that you can use. Hopefully there is something interesting or useful that you can use from this article in your every day life.



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